SCRIPT AсtiveCollab

Hi after installation and upgrading to 6.0.50 the images in addons and themes section appears to be broken

any suggestions how to correct it?

Probably the upgrade failed to copy the images. You can copy the images manually from /6.0.5/frontend/assets/system/images to web_root_folder_of_ac_installation/assets/system/images.
***Hidden content***
I'm getting the below error during validation:

Error — URL rewriting is not enabledInvalid URL rewrite check response: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content=...
I am trying to do an upgrade from 6.0.50 to @Kenzacm's version but it seems is not working, though i have everything OK.

OK: Checking for latest release
OK: Latest release is ActiveCollab v5.8.7 (you have installed v6.0.50)
OK: No new version found. Assets will be refreshed, and migrations checked
OK: Included migration classes from '/my-dir/activecollab/6.1.53/angie'
OK: Your PHP is
OK: "mysqli" extension is available
OK: "pcre" extension is available
OK: "tokenizer" extension is available
OK: "ctype" extension is available
OK: "session" extension is available
OK: "json" extension is available
OK: "xml" extension is available
OK: "dom" extension is available
OK: "phar" extension is available
OK: "openssl" extension is available
OK: "gd" extension is available
OK: "mbstring" extension is available
OK: "curl" extension is available
OK: "zlib" extension is available
OK: "fileinfo" extension is available
OK: Your memory limit is unlimited
OK: Your MariaDB version is 10.4.7-MariaDB-1:10.4.7+maria~bionic
OK: Your MariaDB has InnoDB storage engine support
OK: Your MariaDB has UTF8MB4 character set support
OK: MariaDB thread stack is 256kb
OK: /activecollab directory is writable
OK: /public/assets is writable
OK: /config/version.php is writable
OK: Creating a database backup to '/my-dir/work/2019-10-23 19-10-54.sql'
OK: Database backed up to '/my-dir/work/2019-10-23 19-10-54.sql'
OK: Migrations executed
OK: Assets path public/assets cleared of old files
OK: New assets copied
OK: Done!

The version is not upgrading, nor the database.
Anyone can advise me with this?
Last edited:
I'm getting the below error during validation:

Error — URL rewriting is not enabledInvalid URL rewrite check response: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content=...
Problem fixed. I just disabled rewrite check on config.

Thanks everyone.
I'm getting the below error during validation:

Error — URL rewriting is not enabledInvalid URL rewrite check response: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content=...

Please check your php.ini setting for URL rewriting
I managed to upgrade successfully from 6.0.50 to 6.1.31 running the command

php tasks/activecollab-cli.php upgrade --dont-download-latest

However, i don't see the new button for stopwatch feature. :(
Thanks. I fixed this by turning it off from config.

My other issue is that I can't get imap email settings to work. SMTP works though.

I've had the same problem. The problem is that instance_id comes as 0 and php says it's empty. I've just commented out the if verification for now and it seems that everything it's working. You can find the verification in /activecollab/6.1.53/vendor/activecollab/activecollab-jobs/src/Jobs/Job.php.

Maybe when I have the time I will check why this happens and implement a proper fix but until then you can use this as a quick fix.
Добрый день. есть ли рабочая версия?
1. Крутил вертел imap не работает, ошибку выдает подключения, использовал уже различные сервисы, сам imap php включен
2. Далее не добавляются юзеры, уже использовал множество сборок. Ни как.
Добрый день. есть ли рабочая версия?
1. Крутил вертел imap не работает, ошибку выдает подключения, использовал уже различные сервисы, сам imap php включен
2. Далее не добавляются юзеры, уже использовал множество сборок. Ни как.
Рабочая версия 6.1.x под php 7.2 (installer) должна быть здесь:
The problem is that instance_id comes as 0 and php says it's empty. I've just commented out the if verification for now and it seems that everything it's working. You can find the verification in /activecollab/6.1.53/vendor/activecollab/activecollab-jobs/src/Jobs/Job.php.

Could you please point out what lines to comment out? I'm trying to comment the if/else loop but I'm apparently doing it really wrong :)
Hi there..
Work for a long time (+3 years) with my "old" version of 5.11. Based on what I read here i need to upgrade to 5.13.x first. than I can make the jump to 6.1.53. I installed on my localbox 6.1.53 and not fully tested yet, but it seems to work. Which is great. Currently I am "trying" to upgrade 5.11 -> 5.13.x but get the following error message after executing: "php activecollab-cli.php upgrade --dont-download-latest"
Cannot redeclare imagecreatefrombmp() in /home/xxx/public_html/proyectosxx/activecollab/5.11.0/angie/functions/general.php on line 1267

Has anyone had this also? And if so how can this be corrected?

Can anyone give me a hand please? :unsure:
Many thanks in advance.