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Plugin Template Modification System (TMS) 1.3.1

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Compatible XenForo ver.
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Template Modification System (TMS)

If you want to re-arrange elements like message bar, you have to edit HTML templates. Normally, when you do this, the template is marked as modified, and if you upgrade xenforo, those modified template will not be upgraded.

This resource is a system that allow you to modify template without manual editing. You can search for elements in HTML templates and replace with the thing you want. This way you can save your time when you upgrade xenforo. This also improves performance compare to template hooks and is more flexible than template hooks.

  • Modifications of 3 types: search/replace, regular expression, php callback.
  • Default/Custom/Inherited modifications (just like templates).
  • Enable/Disable modifications.
  • Export/import modifications together with addon (just like templates).
  • Export/import modifications together with style (just like templates).
  • Integration with template's editing.
  • Advanced options for performance.
  • TMS-independent export of styles.
The addon allows to make other addons using template modifications instead of hooks and to make styles without any template edition.

Feel free to modify, refactor and extend the addon.

Open Source:
First release
Last update
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