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Plugin XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo 1.1.2

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Compatible XenForo
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
XPress bridges XenForo and WordPress together for a smooth integration making managing your software systems easier and creating a fluid user experience.

Many platform directors struggle to keep two distributed software systems consistent. You have to maintain the theme and template separately which can be quite costly, to not only build but to maintain over time as well. You also need to manage two comment systems, two user accounts, two staff and usergroup levels, two subscription systems, and more. XPress lets you choose your preferred tools and bridges them to the other software.

XenForo is regarded as one of the most easily customizable and powerful forum platforms on the market. And WordPress powers roughly 1 in 5 websites on the internet. Pairing them together only made sense. Please try our demo to see this seamless integration in action.

To make managing platforms simple, we created which is included with XPress and must be downloaded and installed separately. It is required to use XPress. XLink provides one location to link and manage your platforms, like WordPress (requires XPress) and MediaWiki (requires ). Add new platforms with just a few clicks, access a list of linked users per platform, and more right from XLink.

Integrating different platforms can be a complicated process. Our experienced team of experts is here to help! We offer the option for professional installation during checkout. Our team will help install XPress on existing platforms, help with basic configuration, and assist in resolving server errors that may occur. If you choose to purchase the add-on without the professional installation service and need help resolving server errors that may occur, you will be charged at our standard hourly rate.

Please Note: Custom add-ons, customizations, and server configuration can prevent XPress from working properly. Should you encounter an issue, please create a ticket . If the issue is due to custom add-ons, customizations, or server configuration we will offer a full refund if reported within 30 days. ThemeHouse is at the sole discretion on refunds and you must allow us time to help fix the issue.

Wondering about performance impacts? Take a look at the results from some tests we ran for UI.X, XPress, XWiki, and XLink .
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