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Plugin [DBTech] DragonByte Shop 6.6.1

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Update highlights

This version aims to improve the performance on certain low-power servers, or servers with limited resources.

In previous versions, every time the forum interacted with a user's obtained items, such as displaying user names (for coloured user names) or permissions etc, certain files were being loaded from disk repeatedly, bypassing caches.

This was originally implemented because too aggressive a cache could result in users seeing other users' items when they went to view the configuration for their own items. However, this had the unfortunate downside of causing a rather significant slow-down if the server in question was running on a slow hard drive, or if it did not properly cache the actual physical files.

After some live testing, a happy middle-ground has been found, and performance on such servers should be greatly improved. It is unlikely you'll see major gains if your server was already running the Shop mod smoothly, but any optimisation is good optimisation!

Complete Change Log

Change: The default icon is now better aligned when showing bigger icons
Change: Apply a bit more permission caching
Fix: Fixed performance issues on certain low-power servers
Fix: When moving an item to a different category in the AdminCP, the list of available prefixes did not update​
Update highlights

This version features an important change in which deactivated items will now also be discarded if its item settings say that the item should be discarded upon expiry. Previously, these items would have been left in the user's inventory.

Furthermore, a few issues with the new transaction log and the new "display in list" option has been resolved.

Lastly, the "Unique" and "Exclusive" flags are now more resilient when gifting or buying for another user.

Complete Change Log

Change: Items that are set to be discarded upon expiry will now be discarded even if the purchase has been deactivated
Fix: Lottery Prize transaction log was missing the lottery name
Fix: Lottery Prize transaction log was missing its value
Fix: Fixed Steal log entries showing 0 instead of the actual steal value
Fix: Add "!important" to user title style Bold so that the default XF styling does not override it
Fix: Unique/Exclusive checks for items in cart now correctly only applies to the currently purchasing user when not purchasing as a gift
Fix: Unique/Exclusive checks for items in cart now correctly checks the recipient's cart when determining whether they can receive the item
Fix: Moving categories would not immediately trigger a permission rebuild
Fix: Item permissions would not rebuild correctly when adding them via the front-end
Fix: Items not displayed in the list will no longer show up in the "New Items" widget
Fix: Items not displayed in the list will no longer show up in the "Top Items" widget​
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