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SCRIPT Goldsvet 7.1.0 MRS (casino club) NULLED. SOURCE CODE [Paid]


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Goldsvet 7.1 MRS (casino club) NULLED. SOURCE CODE - Goldsvet 7.1 MRS (casino club) NULLED. SOURCE CODE

Goldsvet MRS 7.1 (Multi Room System) for casino club's (cafe version)


A new version of GOLDSVET / mrs system. In this issue you will find new features for managing games and the system, the unification of game banks, a significant increase in performance and a decrease in the load on the server and database. Several new unique interfaces, as well as updating the Laravel Framework to version 7.8.0.

Goldsvet MRS Core 7.1 FULL DECODED +...

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Hello nullcat,
Can you help me with the purchase of the slot software?
investigate on the Goldsvet page and the costs of each api for each provider, it is very different from the one offered in this forum of 950 USD.

Tell me what to do?
I want to pay for monthly updates. So I will be up to date.
I reply to pm.
Hello Nullcat
I have Goldsvet versions since 5.x and this summer i bought some very unuseable 7.1 from other source :-(
Can you confirm, that your DECODED version is able to generate new shops and API target folder is existing?
(I also have great mess in game-files, and most of that games are not complete specially in mobile section)
It would be a pleasure to hear from you, and if possible we could make a deal for further updates to keep my casino updated 24/7
sincerely yours, Victor
i wrote you pm
hi nullcat i am interested in buying Goldsvet MRS 7.1 (Multi Room System) for casino club's (cafe version) , can this version be used for an online version.
And are all the games working, and do they require a license key or are all the scripts fully nulled.
i purchased a version of 6.5 from another person on the internet and after a few days its says license expired. The guy who i bought it from refuses to fix it.Now i need to buy another working version. Please help, thanks
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